How was your holiday? Mine was pretty cool!
Wednesday things don't looks real fun, bad times
ever happens but thursday looks great we have an
amazing night listening Roxette and Flashback DVDs
singing aloud, drinking beer and eating hot dogs!!
Friday we dedicate to make College jobs, like make
a pattern and do a letter of my capital letter-name
it was "F" for tipography, but i think it looks great
I made myself with k7 tapes, looks amateur but that's
the idea, Marcio do yours with beans, and looks great
too, soon i post here some pictures and of patterns too.
We watch several times Smallville, yesterday couple of
episodes of Lost we watch a lot of television, usual
and laugh a lot saturday night with YouTube videos with
my favorite couple of girls, yesterday we have a lunch
and we walk and we finish college jobs and resuming we
have a great holiday. Monday sucks ever but after these
AMAZING days it doesn't matter, so that's it.
Above a pic of Mery Streep my eternal actress diva
dressed like M. Tatcher, isn't look great!!??